Not all lesions must be removed! During a skin cancer screening sometimes suspicious moles are recommended by the physician to be removed due to safety reasons. I can offer the removal of these moles for biopsy purpose at a pathology lab. Usually the result of such a histology examination is already available in a week and will tell whether it concerns a benign or malignant change.
If a mole needs to be removed for aesthetic reasons, it is recommended to first carry out an examination of the lesion to make a reliable estimation of the risk potential.
In case of skin cancer, a distinction between different types such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma is made. Usually this diagnosis of skin cancer had already been confirmed by a dermatologist prior to your appointment at my practice.
If the lesion is very large or it is in the area of the face or hairy scalp or on body parts where the skin and subcutaneous tissues are not easily to be moved, we can thanks to plastic-surgical procedures and the finest suture techniques achieve a result with maximum inconspicuous results.
Almost all procedures can be performed under local anaesthetic. The following day after surgery work can presumably be resumed. However, it is recommend to restrict strenuous and physical activities until stitches are removed, 5-14 days after surgery.